TGaS Advisors 2024 Annual State of Life Sciences Learning & Development

A Collaboration Between LTEN and TGaS Advisors

Empowering Data-Driven Leaders: A Walkthrough Strategy Guide to Leveling Up

Staying ahead demands forward-thinking strategies and data-driven insights in today’s fast-evolving life sciences industry. Enter the LTEN-TGaS partnership, a collaboration that brings you a groundbreaking study on Learning & Development.

Imagine navigating your budget allocation with precision, integrating AI and Machine Learning seamlessly, and leveraging the latest microlearning and data analytics trends.

Download the full report for exclusive insights and expert analysis to empower your decision-making and optimize your L&D strategies. This invaluable resource aligns with industry standards and drives transformative outcomes.

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Purchase the Full Study

Buyers of the study will gain a dynamic edge with:

  • Strategic Budget Allocation: Master the art of allocating training budgets for maximum impact.
  • Latest Trends and Best Practices: Stay at the forefront with cutting-edge trends and proven methods in training technologies.
  • AI and Machine Learning Integration: Implement practical, step-by-step recommendations for incorporating AI and ML into your training programs.
  • Enhanced Training Effectiveness: Apply evidence-based strategies to boost training outcomes and engage learners more effectively.
  • Digital Tool Adoption Roadmap: Navigate digital transformation with a clear, actionable guide to overcoming adoption challenges.

Validated by Experts: Built on Robust Research and High-Quality Data

The study employs a robust research methodology, including surveys and interviews with industry professionals. Data was collected from 49 distinct companies, with 83% based in the U.S., and 88 responses were analyzed. The study combines quantitative data with qualitative insights from experts to provide a comprehensive view of the current state and future trends in life sciences training.


Large, Medium & Small Pharma, Biotech & Medical Device Companies


Responses including Heads of Training and Sr. Learning Executives


U.S. Based
Budget Allocation
  • Analysis of budget changes over the past two years
  • Effective allocation strategies for maximizing training impact
  • Identifying high-priority areas for budget allocation
Learning Technology
  • Adoption of AI and Machine Learning technologies
  • Integration of digital & conventional training techniques
  • Overcoming challenges in digital tool adoption
Learning Trends
  • Increased demand for emerging technology skills (AI/ML/VR)
  • Effectiveness of microlearning formats and strategies
  • Impact of data analytics on training effectiveness

Equipping L&D Leaders and Teams with Powerful Insights

“Today life sciences training leaders and professionals navigate through intricate regulatory frameworks, evolving technologies and the incessant demand for meeting patient and marketplace needs. TGaS and LTEN—synergizing our respective expertise, resources and perspectives—will help to nurture a cadre of leaders equipped with the acumen to harness data effectively and drive transformative outcomes.” Gayle Shaw Hones, VP of Learning & Development at TGaS Advisors

Empower Your Life Sciences Training with Data-Driven Insights and Cutting-Edge Technologies

This study is essential for life sciences trainers, educators, and decision-makers responsible for developing and implementing training programs. Designed to provide maximum value, it offers:

  • Strategic Insights: Learn how to allocate training budgets effectively to maximize ROI.
  • Latest Trends: Stay ahead with the most current best practices in training technologies and methods.
  • Practical Recommendations: Get actionable advice on integrating AI and Machine Learning into your training programs.
  • Enhanced Effectiveness: Implement evidence-based strategies to boost training effectiveness and learner engagement.
  • Roadmap for Success: Navigate the challenges of digital tool adoption with a clear, step-by-step guide.

By leveraging data-driven insights and emerging technologies, you can transform your training strategies and achieve impactful outcomes.

Log in or create an account before purchasing.

Purchase the Comprehensive Study

Uniting Expertise: LTEN and TGaS Advisors Forge a Partnership to Elevate Life Sciences Training

Together, LTEN and TGaS Advisors bring unparalleled expertise and a wealth of resources to support and advance the life sciences training community. Learn more about this collaboration.

About LTEN

The Life Sciences Trainers & Educators Network (LTEN) is the premier global 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the needs of life sciences learning professionals. Since its founding in 1971, LTEN has been at the forefront of the industry, sharing the expertise of industry leaders, offering insights into new technologies, and providing innovative solutions. With a membership of over 3,300 professionals from pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device, and diagnostic companies, LTEN fosters communities of practice that enhance careers and organizational capabilities.

About TGaS Advisors, a Division of Trinity Life Sciences

TGaS Advisors, a division of Trinity Life Sciences, operates with a unique, value-driven, membership-based model. Specializing in commercial and medical affairs functions, including learning & development, TGaS provides proprietary benchmark data, insightful analyses, and expert advice. Through this collaboration, TGaS empowers organizations with the critical insights and strategies needed to excel in the competitive life sciences landscape.

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