Improv Skills to Improve Engagement

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

Though it may seem like improvisational theatre performers are merely “winging it,” the truth is that improv is an art form anchored by active listening, collaboration and agile thinking. Join...

How to Use Learning Objectives to Create Impactful Sales Training

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

  Just moving into sales training from a sales role? Looking to better understand the basics of building sales training learning objectives? Well, look no further! Being able to develop...

Using AI for More Powerful Measurement and Evaluation in L&D

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

Measurement and evaluation are crucial to drive better outcomes, build stronger design and more effectively communicate the impact of our learning & development efforts. Amidst all the buzz surrounding artificial...

Supercharge Your Sales Team: Learning Strategies That Work

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

  Many sales teams have struggled to move out of “survival mode” and return to their pre-pandemic high-performance levels. As a learning leader, you have a range of realistic strategies...

What’s Your Data Story? Measuring Real Training Impact

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

  For commercial learning & development (CL&D) to get a seat at the table with marketing and sales leadership, compelling evidence that training delivers bottom-line results is critical. To show...

[Partner Preview] X2O Media

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

Discover OneRoom, an Immersive Hybrid Training Environment      The future of workplace training is hybrid. Although we have video conferencing platforms for hybrid training, these solutions lack the ability to...

LTEN Prime Time! For Trainers – Core

Hilton Short Hills 41 JFK Parkway, Short Hills, NJ, United States

  In-Person Workshop: December 4-6, 2023 Monday, December 4: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Tuesday, December 5: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM with networking reception from 6:00 – 7:30 PM...


Networking Mixer – Short Hills, NJ

Hilton Short Hills 41 JFK Parkway, Short Hills, NJ, United States

  Experts agree that the most connected people are often the most successful. When you invest in your relationships — professional and personal — it can help you develop and...

LTEN Prime Time! For Trainers – Masters

Hilton Short Hills 41 JFK Parkway, Short Hills, NJ, United States

  Phase Two of the PrimeTime! Series Builds Skills for Enhanced Trainer/Learner Interactions, Coaching Without Authority and Igniting Participation. In-Person Workshop: December 7-8, 2023 December 7: 9:00 AM - 5:00...


Training the Trainer: A Guide to Field Trainer Resources

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

  People often move into a field training role with little to no experience as a trainer, and no resources to gain those skills. There are resources to help. Join...