Bonus Focus

Subject Matter Experts, Hot Topics, Best Practices, Trends and More…

Welcome to Bonus Focus, the online companion to LTEN Focus on Training magazine. We’ll feature web-exclusive articles focusing on topics that life sciences trainers and educators care about, posted on an ongoing basis. Be sure to keep an eye on this page for new articles.

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If interested in authoring a Bonus Focus article, contact Tim Sosbe, LTEN editorial director, at

LTEN Bonus Focus

I’m In Love with My Own Content

By Vivian Bringslimark Many QA/HR training managers are responsible for providing a train-the-trainer course for their designated trainers.  While some companies send their folks to public workshop offerings, many chose…
May 13, 2022
LTEN Bonus Focus

Finding Your Purpose

By Krishna C. Kalva I came across this thought-provoking statement while watching an inspirational video and made me think: “Find your purpose” as you explore a path in choosing a…
October 5, 2021
LTEN Bonus Focus

Gaining STEAM in Life Sciences

By Mary Barlow Strategic innovation advisor Alex Manu first coined the “imagination gap” as the difference between current capability and future possibility. Manu and many researchers assert that to solve…
September 22, 2021
LTEN Bonus Focus

Our Wellness Journey

By Chris Platanos As training leaders, we not only facilitate training and development initiatives to help our team members positively impact patients, but we also directly impact our teams’ overall…
August 26, 2021