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Jump-Starting Your Team During Change:  A Critical Leadership Skill

NAVIGATING CHANGE - By Wendy Heckelman

Change is constant and brings opportunities and challenges

In the life sciences industries, change is constant, whether large-scale or iterative. As the marketplace continues to evolve, change will persist, bringing both challenges and opportunities.For leaders, this dynamic environment demands mastery in navigating transitions and guiding teams through uncertainty. The question is not whether change will happen, but how effectively you can lead your team through it.The introduction of new processes and shifting priorities can overwhelm even the most seasoned professionals. Astute leaders anticipate that each team member will react differently to changes and understand their role to support them while maintaining focus on key business priorities.This is where the concept of a “team jump-start” becomes essential.

What Is a Team Jump-Start?

A team jump-start is a targeted session for teams to get together, align on priorities and refine ways of working post-change event. The most effective jump-starts are timely, in-person, full-day meetings with customized agendas.

Making an Impact

A team jump-start can offer several benefits to workforce development:

  • Reduce resistance and anxiety:  Change often brings uncertainty, which can lead to resistance and anxiety among team members. When leaders effectively jump-start their teams, they can mitigate these negative emotions by providing clarity and support.
    By addressing concerns early and fostering a culture of openness, leaders help team members feel more secure and willing to embrace new processes and initiatives.
  • Accelerate adaptation to new processes:  The ability to quickly adapt to new processes is crucial to keep up with the pace of the pharmaceutical industry. Effective change management enables teams to transition smoothly, reducing confusion around new processes.
  • Leaders who can guide their teams through these changes efficiently ensure that the organization remains responsive to market demands.
  • Maintain productivity during transitions:  Even the smallest change threatens to disrupt normal workflows, leading to decreased productivity. However, with a well-executed jump-start approach, leaders can help their teams maintain focus and efficiency.
    By setting clear goals, providing necessary resources and fostering a collaborative environment, leaders ensure that productivity does not dip.
  • Build trust and team cohesion:  Change without transparency and open communication threatens to disrupt team cohesion and trust. Leaders who demonstrate empathy, provide consistent communication and support their team members foster a sense of trust and unity.
    This not only helps the team navigate the current transition but also strengthens the team’s resilience for future challenges.

Assess the Team’s Readiness for Change: 

Understanding and addressing your team’s readiness for change is crucial for minimizing resistance and maximizing engagement.  Pay close attention to your team’s emotional and psychological readiness, and tailor your approach to meet individual needs.

By recognizing that everyone experiences change differently, you can create a customized strategy that not only mitigates anxiety but also accelerates the adaptation process.

Leader Action Steps:

  • Recognize that everyone experiences change differently.
  • Understand your team’s readiness and consider unique variables.
  • Tailor your approach based on individual needs.

Share Organizational Vision, Mission and Values:

When team members understand the larger purpose and see where they fit into the bigger picture, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated and aligned with organizational goals. Your role is to help your team understand the “why” behind the change.

Take the time to understand how the change event connects to your company’s mission, vision and values.

Leader Action Steps:

  •  Review the company’s vision and mission to reconnect with the “why” behind the work.
  • Contextualize these elements for your team.
  • Explore how the team fits into the bigger picture.
  • Identify opportunities to live organizational values daily.

Align on Goals and Expectations:

During change, broader company strategies and priorities shift. A team jump-start provides an opportunity to align on goals and set expectations. Translating these plans and gaining alignment is achieved through discussion where the team has an opportunity to understand the broader goals and explore how working together contributes to achieving results.

Here is a great opportunity to discuss potential barriers and put mitigation plans in place, as well as any other agreements needed that foster agility, quick pivots and redirection of resources.

Leader Action Steps:

  • Discuss shifting company strategies and priorities.
  • Translate broader plans into team-specific goals.
  • Explore how collaborative efforts contribute to achieving results.
  • Address potential barriers and develop mitigation plans.
  • Establish agreements that foster agility and quick pivots.

Clarify Roles, Responsibilities and Collaboration Agreements:

Any element of clarity and structure can significantly reduce anxiety during times of change. Clearly defining roles, responsibilities and collaboration agreements will help each team member understand how they fit into the broader picture.

This not only streamlines work processes, but also enhances the quality of teamwork and fosters collaboration, communication and coordination.

Leader Action Steps:  

  •  Revisit and streamline work processes to save time, money and energy.
  • Clearly define roles and responsibilities for each team member.
  • Establish collaboration agreements to enhance teamwork.
  • Discuss how team members will support one another during the transition.

Focus on Team Effectiveness and Operating Agreements:

Not only is it important to align on roles and responsibilities, but itis important to discuss operating agreements. Aligning work procedures, communication processes, decision-making approaches and how to address conflict can help the team stay on track, achieve results and avoid any issues that chip away at engagement or jeopardize personal relationships.

Leader Action Steps:

  •  Align work procedures and communication processes.
  • Establish decision-making approaches.
  • Develop strategies for addressing conflicts.
  • Create operating agreements that keep the team on track and maintain engagement.

Monitor Agreements, Action Plans and Team Progress:

Effective change management relies heavily on continuous monitoring and feedback. By consistently reviewing agreements, action plans and team progress, leaders can identify when additional work or adjustments are needed. Engaging in individual transition coaching helps address specific challenges faced by team members, ensuring personalized support.

Maintaining open communication channels fosters a culture of trust and collaboration, allowing team members to voice concerns and provide feedback, which is essential for sustained engagement and success.

Leader Action Steps:

  •  Track progress against goals regularly.
  • Recognize when additional work or adjustments are needed.
  • Engage in individual transition coaching to address specific challenges.
  • Maintain open communication channels for feedback and concerns.


By implementing these strategies, you create a more resilient, adaptable and engaged workforce. The team jump-start approach not only eases the current transition but also prepares your team for future challenges in the ever-changing pharmaceutical and life sciences landscape.

Remember, as a leader, your ability to effectively jump-start your team during periods of change can significantly impact the success of new initiatives and the overall performance of your organization. By providing clear direction, fostering open communication and supporting individual team members, you can guide your team through transitions while maintaining focus on key business priorities.

Wendy Heckelman, Ph.D
President and Founder, WLH Consulting & Learning Solutions
LinkedIn[email protected]

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