Two Opportunities to Showcase Your Work

LTEN Excellence Award finalists are invited to share your 2024 awards finalist entry, summarizing and spotlighting your work in person at the Conference and digitally across LTEN communications channels.

New for 2024! 10-Minute Presentation at the Conference

Present your work through a 10-minute Awards Presentation. Sign up to deliver a short presentation of your finalist’s entry on Tuesday, June 11 and Wednesday, June 12 mornings.  **Sign ups are now closed**

Digital Award Poster & People’s Choice Award

You may also submit a PDF of your work online and in the conference app. Conference attendees will have a chance to vote for their favorite poster in our first-ever People’s Choice Award.

Questions? Email us at

Two Ways to Participate

Open to the 2024 Awards Finalists

New for 2024! Showcase of Champions — Awards Finalist Presentations

Due: Bring your presentation loaded on a USB thumb drive with you.

Quick Facts:
  • Format: 10-minute presentation with a 5-minute transition between each presentation. Your presentation can be a video, PowerPoint slide or picture slide show. Must be formatted to 16:9 widescreen.
  • Location: Hosted in one of the Learning Labs on Tuesday between 7:00–8:20 AM and Wednesday between 7:30-8:20 AM. View exhibit hall map.
  • Audience Participation: Attendees will see the Showcase of Champion: Awards Finalists Presentations sessions on the conference website and app, attend a Learning Lab and use headphones to hear the award presenter speaking into the microphone. Due to the short nature of the presentation, there won’t likely be time for Q&A.
  • Learning Labs Tech & Room Set: The Labs will be set in theater seating. Each Lab will include:
    • One flipchart with markers
    • One screen and an LCD projector
    • One handheld microphone
    • Basic wi-fi for checking emails and viewing conference app
    • Laptop – You must bring your presentation on a USB.

Important to Note:

  • Unlike previous years, you will NOT bring a printed poster onsite and pin to a presentation board.
  • LTEN will not post your presentation deck online or in any communications. If finalist would like to include their presentation materials, share those with us as a PDF file under 5MB.
  • LTEN will reach out in May with your time slot within 7:00–7:50 AM on Tuesday and 7:30-8:20 AM on Wednesday along with your Learning Lab location and pre-event checklist.

Digital Awards Poster

Due: Email a copy of your Poster to by June 3.

Quick Facts:

  • Format: Single-page 8.5″ x 11,” saved as a PDF. Hyperlinks should be embedded in your file.
  • Location: All Posters submitted by June 3 will be posted to the LTEN website, 2024 conference app and across LTEN communication channels.

About the People’s Choice Award

  • The People’s Choice poster winner will be selected via conference app voting until Wednesday, June 12 at 12:30 PM.
  • The winner will be announced after the awards ceremony on Wednesday at 1:30 PM.

See Past Awards Posters here and below ↓↓↓.

10-Minute Award Presentations FAQs

How is this different that previous years?

Important to Note:

  • Unlike previous years, you will NOT bring a printed poster onsite and pin to a presentation board.
  • LTEN will not post your presentation deck online or in any communications. If finalist would like to include their presentation materials in the conference app, share those with us as a PDF file under 5MB.
  • LTEN will reach out in May with your time slot within 7:00–7:50 AM on Tuesday and 7:30-8:20 AM on Wednesday along with your Learning Lab location and pre-event checklist.

What is the format of the presentation? How does this work?

  • Format: 10-minute presentation with a 5-minute transition to the next finalist’s presentation. The presentation can be a video, PowerPoint slide or picture slide show. Must be formatted to 16:9 widescreen) w/5-minute transition between presentations.
  • Audience Participation: Attendees will see the Awards Presentations schedule in the conference app, attend a Learning Lab and use headphones to hear the award presenter speaking into the microphone. Due to the short nature of the presentation, there won’t likely be time for Q&A.
  • Learning Labs Tech & Room Set: The Labs will be set in theater seating. Each Lab will include:
    • One flipchart with markers
    • One screen and an LCD projector
    • One handheld microphone
    • Basic wi-fi for checking emails and viewing conference app
    • Laptop – You must bring your presentation on a USB.

Will LTEN pre-load my presentation deck or material?

You must bring your presentation on a USB and plug into the supplied laptop in your Learning Lab during your presentation slot. 
If you would like to include your presentation materials in the conference app, you may send a PDF file to us. File size should be no larger than 5 MB. Send that to
Allow 24-48 hours to see the materials reflected on the app.

Where will my presentation be posted or seen?

Your presentation will only be seen during your live, 10-minute presentation at the Conference on Tuesday or Wednesday morning (during your specific time slot).
If you provide us with materials to post in the app, we’ll pin them to your presentation entry allowing all registrants to see your presentation materials. Otherwise, LTEN understands the inherently sensitive nature of your content and will not post or share via our communications channels.
You are not required to supply presentation slides or materials.

What if I have to cancel or have an urgent scheduling change?

Please reach out to for changes or edits concerning your award entry, including your presentation time and materials.
Allow 24-48 hours to receive a response or see changes reflected.

Where will my presentation be promoted? How will attendees know about my presentation?

Award Presentations will be posted in the conference app and attendee website, and will be only viewable by LTEN Annual Conference registrants.
There is also a public agenda which does not share or include presentation materials but does show activities and is filterable searchable.
Agendas will include a filter to sort and see all schedule award presentations.
Onsite signage at the Labs will also include mention of which award presentations happening in that Lab.

When is the presentation due? Can I still sign up?

You’ll bring your poster with you on a USB thumb drive/flash drive to your presentation time and location.
Unfortunately, if you have not already reserved a spot or indicated that you’ll participate, we cannot take more presentations at this time.

I still have questions! How can I get help?

Have a question about attending, participating, speaking or exhibiting at the conference? Or maybe you have questions about the Awards?

Join us each Wednesday from 4:00–5:00 PM ET to get your questions answered on the spot. Add to your calendar

You can also email our team at Please allow 24-48 hours for reply. We appreciate YOU and your patience!

Digital Posters FAQs

What is the Poster exactly and what's the purpose of making one?

LTEN is pleased to offer LTEN Excellence Award applicants the opportunity to create a poster of your 2024 awards nomination, summarizing and spotlighting your work.

Digital posters:
Share your artwork with LTEN and we’ll showcase your award poster across all of LTEN communication channels.

Your poster should take a viewer through the information you submitted as part of your award application, highlighting your achievements. Unlike a verbal presentation, however, where the pace is dictated to the audience, posters allow viewers to study the information at their own speed and discuss the content with the poster “presenter.”

A well-organized, visually appealing poster takes thought, and the following guidelines are meant to help you produce a poster that effectively communicates your topic and appeals to the training audience. With little space to explain your ideas, it’s important to communicate key points clearly and succinctly.

What size and format should my poster be?

Posters should be no larger than 8.5” tall by 11” high and saved as a PDF file.

  • You may include a QR code on the poster.
  • Place the title in large‐sized type at the top of the Poster, including the award category you applied for. If you require an award logo, please email us at
  • List the title and all contributors/authors under the heading.
  • Use a font size that can be read from a few feet away.
  • Use charts, drawings, and illustrations similar to those you would use in a PowerPoint presentation.
  • Keep captions brief and content self-explanatory.
  • Use shorter sentences and paragraphs as much as possible, since with larger fonts even short paragraphs will appear long.
  • Use sub-heads to break up the flow and use bulleted or numbered lists.

What should my poster include?

Your poster should take a viewer through the information you submitted as part of your award application, highlighting your achievements. Unlike a verbal presentation, however, where the pace is dictated to the audience, posters allow viewers to study the information at their own speed.

A well-organized, visually appealing poster takes thought, and the following guidelines are meant to help you produce a poster that effectively communicates your topic and appeals to the training audience. With little space to explain your ideas, it’s important to communicate key points clearly and succinctly.

Similar to an abstract in a scientific-based poster, the summary section is intended to provide a top-line overview of the information contained in the poster. It should include the most important points from each of the subsequent poster sessions such as, background to the topic or issue, learning objectives, relevant data and/or approach and conclusions.

If the viewer does not have time to read the entire contents of your poster, they should walk away with clarity on your topic after reading this section.

Situation Analysis
This is the background or big picture summary that will set the stage for viewers. It’s where you define the current state of a topic, the problem and the need for a change, new approach or solution. The situation analysis does not need to be lengthy; it just needs to provide enough information for the rest of the poster to flow and make sense.

The award application section of Needs Identification can be covered here.

This area will contain the bulk of your information and allow for the most creativity and interpretation. Research-based presentations would present the methodology here, but more likely you will use this space as a general discussion of your topic. What concept are you trying to get across? What new idea are you proposing? What challenges are important to overcome? Or, if it’s an educational session (e.g. based on current industry trends), focus on both the content you are supplying and the justification for trainers to need that information. Posters will vary in style, approach and objectives, so use your best judgment in making this section content-rich and persuasive with clearly defined information points. Sales savvy will come into play; your goal is to have viewers reach that “aha” moment.

The award sections of Design Approach and Alignment will be highlighted in this section.

If there are concrete results from a case study or research initiative, then these should be communicated here. If that doesn’t apply, use this section to convey your experience in achieving the learning objectives you proposed. In addition, you may choose to cite external data that supports your approach or concept.

The award application section of Evaluation Approach would fit here.

In developing this section, ask yourself: What do the “results” demonstrate on a larger scale? What are the most important conclusions to convey? What should the viewer understand about the effectiveness of the approach?

Conclusions tend to be broad-based statements that respond to the problem or the need you previously defined. This section is typically brief, but should present the most important, specific information you want viewers to hold onto.

The award application section of Results fits here.

About Your Company
While the posters should be non-promotional in nature, LTEN recognizes that this is a great opportunity to inform viewers about your company and service offerings. Poster presenters are welcome to include a brief “boilerplate” paragraph about their company at the end of the poster, along with a website address and contact information.

Where will my poster be displayed?

Your poster will be posted online at and available to LTEN members and web visitors across LTEN communication channels.

Note: In order to be included in the digital distribution of your poster, email your PDF file to by June 3.

Who can participate?

This opportunity is only open to the 2024 LTEN Excellence Awards finalists.

When is the poster due?

Due: Email a copy of your Poster to by June 3.

Quick Facts:

  • Format: Single-page 8.5″ x 11,” saved as a PDF. Hyperlinks should be embedded in your file.
  • Location: All Posters submitted by June 3 will be posted to the LTEN website, 2024 conference app and across LTEN communication channels
  • Email to

Tell me more about the Peoples Choice Poster Award

About the People’s Choice Award

  • Conference attendees will be sent an email and notification through the app to view the posters and vote on their favorite.
  • The People’s Choice poster winner will be selected via conference app voting until Wednesday, June 12 at 12:30 PM.
  • The winner will be announced after the awards ceremony on Wednesday at 1:30 PM.

I still have questions! How can I get help?

Have a question about attending, participating, speaking or exhibiting at the conference? Or maybe you have questions about the Awards?

Join us each Wednesday from 4:00–5:00 PM ET to get your questions answered on the spot. Add to your calendar

You can also email our team at Please allow 24-48 hours for reply. We appreciate YOU and your patience!